Rescue the Virgin Islanders image

Rescue the Virgin Islanders

$5,705 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Dogs on the US Virgin Islands Need Your Help Now

Partnerships are the foundation of Badass Animal Rescue's work. Our relationships with shelters throughout the country are the root source of the thousands of fosters, adoptions, and furever friendships made over the last ten years.

Now we are proud to announce our first partnerships with shelters off the mainland--on the US Virgin Islands, in St. Thomas and St. John--but your support today is critical for making it work.

On these small islands, there is only so much capacity to shelter dogs indefinitely. Our partner shelters have already reached their limits and have resorted to crating dogs in lobbies and other improvised spaces. We have already identified 25 dogs for rescue, but more challenges await.

Hurricane season is already here and forecasts predict it will be one of the strongest ever, and with each storm our shelter partners always witness a surge of dogs in need of care. There is no time to waste.

The Virgin Islands also has housing policy issues that pose problems for humans and animals alike, making local adoptions difficult, if not impossible. And since these are islands, the logistics of transporting dogs are complicated and expensive--especially since the pandemic began.

Last, but certainly not least, these dogs need critical medical attention. 70% of animals in shelter here are heartworm positive. Never has it been clearer that these Islander Badasses need your help.

Celebrate Badass Rescue's 10th Anniversary in the best way possible--with a gift that fosters new friendships and saves dogs.