Maria Reask

Maria Reask's Fundraiser

Rally the Badass Pack: Join the 'Paw to Paw' Challenge! image

Rally the Badass Pack: Join the 'Paw to Paw' Challenge!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$100 towards $750

Hi friends and family,

As many of you know, I've been involved with Badass since 2017, starting as a social media team volunteer. My brother and sister-in-law adopted their beloved Badass, Winnie, in 2019, and many of my colleagues and friends have found their family members through Badass.

In my most recent role as Marketing Director, Iā€™ve witnessed our rescue process from start to finish: from on the ground at shelters, to planning and promoting ways to get dogs adopted, to watching dogs find their forever families at adoption events.

None of this life-saving work and these happy endings are possible without donations, no matter the size.

Our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign is the perfect opportunity to gather small donations to make a big difference!

It costs $750 on average to save one Badass dog. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking my network to help me raise $750 out of our overall $15,000 goal. Your donation goes toward immediate needs like medical expenses, foster care supplies, and rehabilitation programs.

Will you help me save a Badass dog? Thank you for your support!

- Maria

We need your help to continue our mission at Badass Animal Rescue. Every contribution, no matter the size, has a direct impact on the lives of at-risk dogs. Not only do your donations provide necessary medical care and rescue operations, but they also offer these amazing Badasses a second chance at life.

How You Can Help

  • Donate: Every contribution, big or small, has a direct impact. Your donation goes toward immediate needs like medical expenses, foster care supplies, and rehabilitation programs.
  • Share: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our page on your social media, via email, or through word of mouth. The more people who know about our cause, the more support we can garner.